These are all designs/characters from a setting we are working on.
just a tiny little bit of info for you..
Baylon - (bay-lon) Largest city in the world. Situated around the Dawn Tree. Ruled by the Council of 9. The Treekeepers are the Armies of Balon.
Gost - (Gawhst) Was once the Great city of Gost. Defender of the east. The Gost Lions were legendary soldiers. Fearsome, honorable men who lived right at the edge of the Quick, guarding against the unspeakable's. Untill the city was destroyed as the first victim of the Coming. The people mostly died, but not totally.. They continued to exist as half alive, ethereal, formless, mainly just memories. Over time they found the could interact with the machines. Control and posses them.
Gost Soldiers - Balon built specific machine suits for the wandering disembodied people of Gost. Balon gave them back a community and a place to call home and some semblance of life. Many of the Gostlings were once soldiers in Gost. They now fight for Balon. They are neigh invincible.
Ba'Renard - (bah-rey-nar) The nightmarish Ba'Renard island far across the Broken Ocean. Could just be a tale to frighten. No one has seen it. The Shaddowmen claim to be inhabitants of the hellish place. They tell convincing stories.
Dawn Tree - A giant magical sentient tree that Balon was founded around. Its a peaceful being, often lending support to Balon and its citizens. Wood Golems grow from it.
The Quick - Where the known world ends. Laws of reality do not apply here. A dangerous place full of half thoughts, half formed ideas, subconscious desires and whims.